Write for Us

Do you have a passion for writing and a keen interest in pro-freedom ideas? Do you want to share your insights and opinions on the issues that matter to Nigerians and the world? Do you want to join a community of like-minded journalists, writers, thinkers, activists, and leaders who are committed to promoting freedom and prosperity?

If yes, then we invite you to write for us!

We are looking for original, well-researched, and engaging articles on topics related to politics, economics, culture and history from a pro-freedom perspective. We welcome submissions from both established and emerging writers who can offer fresh and informed perspectives on current affairs and long-term trends.

We accept submissions in English.

Please note that we are currently unable to pay for accepted submissions due to our limited funds. However, we hope to offer competitive rates in the near future as we secure more sponsorship and funding. In the meantime, we appreciate your voluntary contributions and we will give you full credit and recognition for your work.

If you are interested in writing for us, please follow these guidelines:

  • Read our website (https://theliberalistmag.com/) and familiarize yourself with our style and content. Check out the type of articles we publish and the topics we cover.
  • Pitch us your idea and/or your full article by sending an email to editorial@theliberalistmag.com with the subject line “Pitch: [Title of your article]”. Include a short bio of yourself and links to your previous work (if any).
  • Wait for our response. We will get back to you within a week to let you know if we are interested in your pitch.
  • Your article should be between 800 and 1300 words long. Use clear and concise language, avoid jargon and technical terms, and cite your sources properly. Proofread your work before sending it to us.
  • Wait for our feedback. We will review your submission and let you know if we need any revisions or edits. We may also suggest some changes to improve the clarity, accuracy, or flow of your work. We will work with you until we are both satisfied with the final product.
  • Once your article is ready, we will publish it on our website and social media platforms.

We look forward to hearing from you and reading your work!